BYOD Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. We recommend you create a restore disk if directions are provided by your computer’s manufacturer upon purchase. This will back up the computer so you can restore it to “factory settings” if anything goes wrong in the future. You must also install anti-virus software if you purchase a laptop.

Yes, we recommend it. Very few laptops have been stolen at school over the past 16 years, but we do encourage parents to obtain theft insurance; theft of personal technology devices is not covered by district insurance.

Yes, we recommend it.  Accidents happen, computers crash, and viruses can cause havoc.  Please consider adding a service plan when you purchase your child’s technology device, since your child will need a functional technology device at school each day.

Yes, if it meets the minimum requirements.

Yes, for scheduling purposes we need a yearly commitment.

Yes, students must comply with the District Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) as outlined in the NMPS Student Code of Conduct and the BYOD Policy.

What if I need more information or have questions?

 If you have questions that are not answered by reviewing this website, please contact:

Paul Henderson
Technology Director