Secondary Program Objectives

School districts are required to teach about dangerous communicable diseases, including, but not limited to, HIV/AIDS. (§380.1169) Instruction regarding dangerous communicable diseases, including, but not limited to, HIV/AIDS, must be offered at least once a year at every building level (elementary, middle/junior, senior high).

By the time a students has graduated from North Muskegon High School they will have met the following objectives:



  • I can explain how HIV is and is not transmitted.
  • I can distinguish between facts and myths regarding HIV infection and AIDS.
  • I can access Information.
  • I can explain when it is important to get adult, medical, and/or counseling help.
  • I can describe sources of accurate information and assistance in one’s community.
  • I can analyze behaviors and situations that may result in increased risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • I can analyze situations where assertive communication and refusal skills can be used to avoid and escape risky situations.


  • I can summarize the benefits of staying within behavioral limits and remaining abstinent.
  • I can compare characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships, and describe ways to express caring for a boyfriend or girlfriend while staying abstinent.
  • I can set personal boundaries and limits related to physical intimacy and sexual behavior.
  • I can demonstrate skills to avoid and escape risky situations.
  • I can examine viewpoints of parents and other trusted adults regarding teen relationships, abstinence, and sexual decisions.
  • I can evaluate the impact of alcohol and other drug use on decisions regarding sexual behavior.
  • I can create a plan to stay within behavioral limits which protect one from HIV and STIs.
  • I can demonstrate the ability to communicate one’s behavioral limits and to show respect for the limits of others related to physical intimacy and sexual behavior.
  • I can demonstrate the ability to use verbal and non-verbal ways to refuse participation in sexual behavior.
  • I can demonstrate the ability to be positive peer role models in the school and community.



  • I can analyze the rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among teens.
  • I can summarize the symptoms, modes of transmission, consequences, and methods to prevent HIV and other STIs, and conclude that abstinence is the most effective way to avoid HIV or other STIs.
  • I can summarize the criteria for who should be tested and the advantages of early diagnosis and treatment of HIV and other STIs. 
  • I can identify services and trustworthy adults that provide health information and testing regarding HIV and other STIs, analyze the validity of such resources, and describe how to access valid services.
  • I can analyze common behaviors and situations to eliminate or reduce risks related to HIV and other STIs.
  • I can evaluate one’s personal perception of risk for HIV and other STIs.
  • I can demonstrate communication, negotiation, and refusal skills to protect oneself from situations that could transmit HIV or other STIs.
  • I can demonstrate acceptance for individuals living with HIV.


  • I can summarize and explain laws related to the sexual behavior of young people.
  • I can compare and contrast the pros and cons of methods used for pregnancy and disease prevention, including abstinence and use of contraception.
  • I can describe routine medical screening and examinations for maintaining reproductive health, and medical tests for pregnancy, HIV, and other STIs: who should be tested, the procedures used, and the importance of early detection and care. Identify resources that provide information, counseling, and testing related to relationships, sexual violence, pregnancy, and contraception, including options for teens who are unable to care for a baby; analyze the validity of these resources; and describe how to access valid resources.
  • I can apply strategies, including refusal and assertiveness skills to avoid, manage, and escape situations that are high risk for pregnancy, HIV, and other STIs.
  • I can explain how stereotypes, norms, peer influence, alcohol and other drug use, media, and personal responsibility can impact sexual decision making and the consequences of such decisions.
  • I can evaluate the physical, social, emotional, legal, and economic impacts of teen pregnancy, teen parenting, HIV infection, or other STIs on personal lifestyle, goal achievement, friends, and family members.
  • I can develop personal goals and a specific plan for using the best contraceptive or disease-prevention method, including abstinence, for individual circumstances. Apply decision-making skills to avoid situations that are high risk for pregnancy, HIV, and other STIs.
  • I can demonstrate the ability to establish positive relationships, communicate caring and love without sexual intercourse, and communicate personal, sexual limits and values to a girlfriend or boyfriend.